Replayability: Discover multiple endings and different paths through the depths of Sonucido.
Turn-Based Combat: Easy to learn but hard to master. No battle-dancing!
Exploration: Look around and find potions, optional side-quests, secrets and more.
Bold Game Design: No inventory management, no novel-length text walls, no 30 minute tutorial.
I released the game on December 2nd, 2022.
English and German.
No, my fiancee helps me, she works on the illustrations and does all the website-stuff. A couple of people helped with testing!
Art and some of the sounds are made by myself. My fiancee draws the cutscene art. However, the fonts as well as additional sounds are from external sources.
Yes! In fact, I developed the game mostly on MX Linux.
I released it on Windows and Linux and I don‘t have plans to add it to other platforms. It's hard to support multiple platforms, since I'm developing this game mostly alone.
7.99$, 7.99€, 7.99£.
Your first playthrough will take you around 3-4 hours. However, you will only see 60-70% of the game. A second playthrough will bump that number up to 90%. If you play the game two times, you should at least expect 5 hours of playtime.
Yes! It would be great if you could send me the link to your video, I love watching playthroughs of my games!
I uploaded a couple progress reports on YouTube. You can watch them here.
SmokeSomeFrogs was officially founded on the 26th of April 2017 when the game Intra-System: Trust Issues was first released.
Daniel da Silva, who is running the studio, works mostly as a solo dev and has released a couple of other games since then. He gets help from his fiancee Luca. She designs the website and sometimes works on additional graphics for the games.
Sonucido: The Mage is his biggest game yet!